Since January 2023, Kreston Albania has embarked on a journey to develop and implement strategies towards sustainable development.
With a leadership philosophy centered on people, the aim is to embrace ESG practices and make them an integral part of the company’s journey toward sustainable development.
Our main pillars are:
Our people | Our clients | Our community
Through an ethical, open and fair approach in all we do, we intend to promote responsible and sustainable thinking, all in promoting equal opportunities and making a positive impact in our community.
Download our Sustainability Report 2023 here.

Some of our initiatives
To visually embody our dedication to environmental, social, and governance principles, we have introduced an ESG-led tagline on our email signatures—namely, “Our Planet. Our Heritage. Recognizing the impact of everyday practices on our environment, we have transitioned to environmentally friendly stationary.
We have also implemented efficient systems to monitor waste, water, and electricity consumption to track and manage our resources. In pursuit of our aspiration to achieve Net Zero Carbon Emissions, we have taken an initial step by donating and planting trees in the main park of Tirana for Earth Day 2023.
To foster a culture of awareness and learning among our people, Kreston Albania has implemented several programs focused on ESG topics. We engage our team weekly with themed posts, providing valuable information and insights into ESG-related matters.
Moreover, promoting employee well-being is at the core of our corporate culture. Our ‘Healthy Thursdays’ wellness program, coupled with a monthly well-being newsletter, creates a holistic approach to health. Accompanied by special in-office events, these initiatives emphasize the importance of physical and mental well-being while supporting local businesses through the consumption of fresh, locally made products.
To reinforce our dedication to social responsibility and giving back to our community we collaborated with local authorities to donate blood, raising awarenesson World Thalassemic Day.
Recognizing the significance of individual growth, particularly at the managerial level, we have introduced a Personal Development Coaching program, led by an experienced NeuroCoach. This initiative empowers our managers with the tools and mindset necessary for both personal and professional development.
Our commitment to expanding the professional skills of our staff extends to our Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programs. We have included a specific ‘Sustainability Training’ module, providing our team with in-depth knowledge and expertise in sustainable practices and principles.
We are proud to be a company comprised of 80% women, and we actively support their professional journeys through schemes of hybrid work and special maternity leave programs. With a strong belief in paid internships, we collaborate with local universities, regularly offering young talents opportunities to jumpstart their careers.
Contributing to the empowerment of underrepresented groups, we actively engage in mentorship programs to strengthen start-ups led by women or minorities. This initiative reflects our commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion not only within our organization but also within the broader entrepreneurial ecosystem.